Monday, January 27, 2020
Shakespeares impression
Shakespeares impression William Shakespeares Impressions of Venice from his plays and Themes of Venetian Republic from the plays: The Merchant of Venice and Othello Introduction This essay is aimed at looking at William Shakespeares impression of Venice by analysing his two famous plays, The Merchant of Venice and Othello. Then, after taking Shakespeares impressions, a closer look will be taken at the main themes brought out of the two plays and compare and contrast them with Shakespeares impressions. Such themes include; Anti-Semitism and the Jews and their role in the economy and society of Venice, law and justice in the Republic of Venice, the role of women in Venetian society, foreign mercenaries in Venice and racism and jealousy in Venice. Such themes will be analysed in order to see of Shakespeares impressions of Venice from his plays are compatible with real life in Venice. Major Themes: Merchant of Venice The Jews of Venice and their role in society and the economy and Anti-Semitism One must always take the context in which Shakespeare lived. This means that the English society in which Shakespeare lived is extremely important since this is reflected in his plays. Shakespeare must surely have been influenced by the society in which he lived in especially when it comes to the Jews. It was known the people in London were hostile to foreigners (xenophobic) and that anti-Semitism in Elizabethan England was very a common feature of society. So, anti-Semitism is already emerging as a major theme in this play. This is all personified in Shylock who is hated and treated badly in society due to him being a Jew. One must always take into account that the Jews were frowned upon because they were the killers of Christ. So, in Christian societies of the time of William Shakespeare, the Jews were not so much welcome. In fact, they were put in ghettos and this was also in Venice. However, they could play a role in economy Antonio the Merchant is used by Shakespeare to portray the general peoples negative attitudes towards the Jews. Here comes the element of anti-Semitism. In the play, especially in Act One: Scene Three, Act Three: Scene One, Antonio the Gentile is seen bullying Shylock because of his Jewish religion. It is seen in Antonio spitting on Shylocks beard. In Act Three: Scene One, Shylock speaks about his suffering which is induced by Antonios constant bullying. The next excerpts taken from this Act and Scene prove this: Line 43 hindered me half a million Line 44 52 laughed at my losses, mocked at my gains, scorned my nation, thwarted my bargains, cooled my friends, heated mine enemies and whats his reason? I am a Jew. Hath not a Jew eyes? Hath not a Jew hands, organs, dimensions, senses, affections, passions? Fed with the same food, hurt with the same weapons, subject to the same diseases, healed by the same means, warmed and cooled by the same winter and summer as a Christian is? If you prick us, do we not bleed? If you tickle us, do we not laugh? If you poison us, do we not die? In Act 1: Scene Three, there is also reference to Shylock being bullied by Antonio: Line 103 dog Line 109 void your rheum referring to Antonio spitting on Shylocks beard. Now, when one looks at such lines from the play, he gets the impression that the Jews were made to live through hell and that anti-Semitism in Venice was very much present. It is true that there was anti-Semitism in Venice mainly due to religious reasons (the Jews were the ones who chanted for Christs crucifixion). However, Shakespeare puts too much emphasis on anti-Semitism in Venice. This is seen all throughout the play. Maybe Shakespeare was too much influenced by the society he lived in and puts focus on anti-Semitism in order to satisfy his audience. This factor has to be taken into account in order to analyse the play well. The play focuses too much on Shylock being bullied due to his Jewish origin but his social role as usurer is not given any importance at all in the play[1]. If one had to look into real life in Venice, he would observe that the Jews were important players in the Venetian economy due to their money lending. They engaged in trade and they helped very much helping the authorities avoid the hassle of creating loan banks. However, it was true that the Jews had to live in ghettos and had to wear the yellow Star of David in order to be recognised as being Jews. But on the whole, they were tolerated, especially when it comes to their contribution to the Venetian economy. So this leads to the conclusion that the Jews in Venice were tolerated out the need the state had for them not out of human kindness. The question is: Were Venetians tolerant of foreigners? The answer would be that overall; the Venetians were tolerant of foreigners. One must not forget that foreigners had the right to access law courts in Venice for example. In the play, the phrase freedom of the state (3.2.277) is mentioned which refers to the right of foreigners to access Venetian law courts and the recognition of bonds to foreigners entered into by its own citizens[2] (M. M. Mahood, 2003). These are also words of praise to the Venetian justice system in which privilege or nationality did not matter. There were communities of people of different cultures who came to Venice due to its commercial importance bringing with them knowledge and commercial goods. The Venetians were very proud of this and outside observers tend to admire Venice for this. So, as a conclusion, one may say that racism in Venice is a bit exaggerated by Shakespeare when in fact Venetian society was overall tolerant even if sometimes slightly suspicious of foreigners. Law and Justice in Venice William Shakespeares form of justice in this play is seen in Portia telling Shylock to cut a pound of flesh from Antonio and that he should not spill a drop of blood. The Duke also features in this. When Shylock discovers that he could not cut a pound of flesh from Antonio without spilling a drop of blood, he had to lose all his property and the Duke is the one to decide whether he would live or not. In the play, the Duke decides to pardon Shylock and Shylock has to convert from his Jewish faith to become a Christian, apart from losing his property. Here, Shakespeare portrays the Duke as having quite a say in law courts in Venice. How realistic was this in real life in Early Modern Venice? It was real. However, the Duke (Doge) was never the judge himself at the law court. The Duke could only voice his opinions along with the opinions of the judges, but never the judge by himself. The Duke used to receive appeals for mercy[3]. Shakespeare brings this out in the play and by this; he shows that he had a good grasp of the justice system in Republic of Venice. In the play, the Duke grants mercy to Shylock (on condition that Shylock the Jew become a Christian and no longer engages in usury). When approaching the law and justice theme in the Merchant of Venice, one must leave out the fact that the Venetian Republics justice system was a fair one. Firstly, everybody from the Patricians downwards to lower strata of Venetian society was considered equal before the law; and secondly, there was the system of appeal in which appeals could be made to the Duke[4]. Economy of Venice The Rialto is mentioned in the play along with its economic importance regarding trade in the Republic of Venice. The Rialto was the center of much of Venetian trade with different states in the Mediterranean, especially the Levant. This also shows how William Shakespeare was very much knowledgeable about certain aspects of Venice, especially regarding commerce. This may have come from some of his friends who visited Venice and who told him about what they saw in the city. Gender in Early Modern Venice In the play, Portia is portrayed as a rich woman. The social status of women in Venice differed according to their class. If they came from rich and Patrician classes and were educated, they were respected in society. In the 16th century, the Republic of Venice was known to have had women who enjoyed respect in society. They were known as courtesans. A quote (see below) from the book, Women and Men in Early Modern Venice by Satya Brata Datta describes very well these courtesans. The Venetian Republic was renowned far and wide for its large number (210 in 1566, for instance) of beautiful, independent and often intellectually inclined courtesans, who enjoyed a special but ambivalent status in society. The quote (above) from the book mentioned gives a clear indication that certain women were treated differently from other women in Venice. William Shakespeare may have been aware of this fact and he portrays all this in the character of Portia, who is portrayed as a rich, independent (still seeking the right man to marry) and intelligent. Her intelligence is seen in the way she manages to save Antonio from Shylock. Venetian women were categorised when it came to social status. There were the Lady (Signora), the Courtesan (Cortigiana) and the Prostitute (meretrice). The courtesans were respected to the point that they could go to the law courts in order to stress their importance in Venetian society and they would not find it difficult to go to the law courts/tribunals at all[5]. So, this shows that Venetian society was not that strongly masculine. Another quote from Satya Brata Dattas book describes the courtesans qualities (see below). The courtesan defined herself as a woman with three characteristic features: she was a woman of her own kind, that is, neither a virgin nor a housewife; she was a free woman, not least sexually; and she was a creative, intelligent woman.[6] The above quote can be considered as a reference to Portia and this can give an insight of how much William Shakespeare was knowledgeable about aspects of life in Venice (which come out as themes in the play). As a conclusion, one must keep in mind that Venetian society was a patriarchal one (i.e. a male-dominated society) but women such as the Courtesans and Prostitutes were respected by the male-dominated leadership in Venice which helped the Republic of Venice to be widely known in foreign countries for its tolerance when it came to society[7]. Major Themes: Othello Foreigners in Venetian Wars The Republic of Venice was not used to sending its own townspeople to fight its wars. It made use of foreign mercenaries and the generals appointed to fight Venices wars were always of foreign origin. The Republic of Venice preferred to make use of foreign mercenaries in its wars and in defending both land and maritime territories under its rule. This notion is strengthened by the fact that Venice had a law which strictly stipulated that a general in the army had to be a foreigner and not born in Venice[8]. It was also known that Italian city-states used to employ foreign mercenaries to fight their wars and the Republic of Venice was one of them. It also shows how Venetians were tolerant to foreigners Racism and (3)Jealousy The two most outstanding themes of this play are racial differences in Venice and jealousy. Out of all European states, Venice contained people from diverse backgrounds which made it a melting pot. Its commerce brought it many people from different lands. But there must have been some dislike of foreigners. In the play, this is personified in Iago. Iago hates the fact that his superior is a foreigner and of a different religious faith. Also, Desdemonas marriage to Othello the Moor is not liked at all. One also has to take into account the fact that Desdemona was the daughter of a Venetian nobleman, Brabantio. Again, racism comes to the fore in the sense that Desdemonas choice of Othello the dark-skinned general could be an embarrassment to her father. It shows once again that racial intermarriages were not liked by all people in Venice although Venice was known to be a city-state where many foreigners lived and brought their cultures and religious faiths with them. In the play, it is assumed that Othello might have attracted Desdemona to him by magical practices. In fact, Desdemona is impressed by his military talent which makes her disregard the fact that he is black and a non-Christian. Desdemonas love for Othello is referred to as downright violence (Act One: Scene Three, Line 245). This phrase shows that Desdemonas love to Othello is considered as a violation of the norm (especially by the villain Iago). Desdemona can be considered the good character while Iago is the villain. Iago is jealous of Othello because Othello is talented and he does all he could to damage him and in various scenes he is seen trying to ridicule Othello and spewing his hatred for the Moor. Racism against Othello the Moor is very much emphasized throughout the whole just like hatred towards Shylock in The Merchant of Venice. Act One: Scene Two Line 79 of arts inhibited and out of warrant The above line refers to magical practices which were totally forbidden in Venice. Othello is accused of magical practices to attract Desdemona which shows the hatred against him because of his origins. The term Moor was used in the time of Shakespeare to describe a dark-skinned person. Line 343 erring Barbarian This line once again emphasizes Iagos hatred of Othello and erring refers to Othellos religion and barbarian refers to Othellos origins. Even in The Merchant of Venice, Portia displays this racial difference when it comes for her to choose the man she wants marry. This is seen when she is to meet the Prince of Morocco in the quote from the play (below): If he have the condition of saint or the complexion of a devil, I had rather he should shrive me than wive me. (Act 1: Scene 2 lines 106-108) So, this is already showing Portias dislike for the Prince of Morocco due to his colour. Conclusion When one compares William Shakespeares impressions on Venice from his plays with real life in early modern Venice, one can find that Shakespeare was knowledgeable about life in Venice in those. Though he exaggerates the theme of anti-Semitism in The Merchant of Venice, one must also keep in mind that he was also influenced by the society he lived in and that must surely affected and it comes out in his writings. The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, Edited by M. M. Mahood, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pg 18. The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, Edited by M. M. Mahood, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pg 15. The Merchant of Venice, by William Shakespeare, Edited by M. M. Mahood, Cambridge University Press, 2003, pg 16. Women and Men in Early Modern Venice, Satya Brata Datta, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, pg 54 Women and Men in Early Modern Venice, Satya Brata Datta, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, pg 178 Women and Men in Early Modern Venice, Satya Brata Datta, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, pg 178 Women and Men in Early Modern Venice, Satya Brata Datta, Ashgate Publishing Limited, 2003, pg 179 Othello, by William Shakespeare, Edited by Norman Sanders, Cambridge University Press, 1984, pg 10
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Bristol & Treatment Centre in Bristol in February
Moreover, during this course, I have required her to log all her experiences in her diary which she has dutifully done. I see her conversing with patients prior to and following their treatments, inquiring about what their jobs entailed. She has also shown interest in learning about their exercise regimes, particularly those who have undergone hip replacement. I wish to write about her personal characteristics which she has exemplified during this period. I should begin with her exemplary work ethic.I have observed that she has been very thorough and enthusiastic in documenting all the learning she has yielded on her day-to-day interaction with me and the patients. The latter have just been through hip replacement and necessitate therapy. She is eager in engaging in conversation with therapists and patients; familiarizing herself with their roles and responsibilities. Her enthusiasm is what keeps her dedicated to her tasks even amidst difficult circumstances ââ¬â a trait which I feel is indispensable in being a successful medical practitioner.I have had the opportunity, too, to learn more about her ambitions of becoming a successful oncologist in the future. This ambition is driven by the authentic passion to help others, as she has had the personal experience of nursing someone in her family who has been inflicted with cancer. I believe that this grassroots ambition and personal experience is sufficient to ââ¬Ëfuelââ¬â¢ her into realizing her dream. In her brief stint with the Centre, I have seen her fortitude in accomplishing what she has set out to achieve.Perhaps, this is further attested to by the fact that she has graduated with a BSc (Hons) Human Biology degree from the University of Bristol. Apart from her strong academic background and good work ethic, I have also felt her ââ¬Ëvocationââ¬â¢ ââ¬â her calling ââ¬â for the medical profession. She has quickly and effectively established rapport with the patients and therapists of th e Center with her easy, friendly manner.In a profession that is sometimes perceived as ââ¬Ëdetachedââ¬â¢, it is important for practitioners to develop a personal relationship with their doctors ââ¬â one that is firmly based on trust and esteem. I feel that _________ easily fits that bill. This trait will also help her blend in well with a multi-disciplinary team, for example, one in which both medical practitioner and medical counselor have critical roles to play. She is a team player and recognizes the power of synergy and collaboration within a medical team.She is also a very good listener and knows how to empathize with patients. I also wish to share her interest in serving marginalized communities, which she has expressed to me as her mentor. This deep sense of altruism is again critical in her desire to become a medical practitioner. She would be willing to go through great lengths just to be able to serve the underprivileged. In pursuit of her dream, she is seeking a learning institution which shares the same goals of altruism especially for marginalized communities; an authentic sense of service; integrity; and competence.She will surely be an asset to the institution who shall accept her as a medical student. I am thus strongly recommending her acceptance to your learning institution which most certainly upholds these values. She is intellectually capable to learn all the competencies of an exemplary medical practitioner, and has the willingness, drive, and heart that go with being one. I am certain that she would prove to be an asset to your program.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Physical and Mental Effect of Teenage Pregnancy Essay
One of the most traumatic and devastating effect of teenage pregnancy is making it difficult for the girl to continue her education. And this is verily alarming especially here in the Philippines. It is a major contributor to poverty, single parenthood, and limited futures for adolescents and their children that is why it is so significant to attend to the problem now and not later. We must help young parents rise above what the statistics forecast. We can no longer look the other way when it comes to the issues our youth face today whether it is drugs or alcohol abuse, crime, sexual orientation, sexually transmitted infections or pregnancy. Our community must work together to empower, educate and encourage these individuals. We can address these issues by offering workshops on life skills such as budgeting, parenting, and financial planning. Young parents need access to resources in terms of rehabilitation, communication, parenting classes, relationship counseling and training. Successful intervention methods must be established to resolve teenage pregnancy issues and teenage motherââ¬â¢s predicaments The sexual revolution has ushered in a period in which the average adolescent experiences tremendous pressures to have sexual experiences of all kinds. Filipino teens get a higher exposure to sex from the Internet, magazines, TV shows, movies and other media than decades ago, yet without any corresponding increase in information on how to handle the input. So kids are pretty much left to other kids for opinions and value formation when it comes to sex. Sexual misinformation is therefore equally shared in the group. Parents at home and teachers in school feel equally inadequate or uneasy to discuss the topic of sex with youngsters. The problem mounts because theirpeers has a more profound influence than parents do and they exert pressure and expect the adolescent to conform to the rest of them. Teen pregnancy has become known to be one of the most serious social problems in thewhole world. The youths today is at high risk of becoming an early and immature parent who areexpose to a malevolent behaviors. This issue is a severe family stressor that may quickly lead toa family crisis. The main objective of this research is to consider the physical and mental health ofapregnantteenager. As well as the cause and effect of pregnancy to the teenager and their social interaction. The heart of a mother is a deep abyss at the bottom of which you will always findà forgivenessâ⬠. Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines Teenage pregnancy in the Philippines is increasingly becoming a major cause of concern. There is a rising trend of young women becoming mothers and majority of whom are unmarried. Young pregnant women are more vulnerable to death during pregnancy while childbirth and huge number are not physically and emotionally prepared for motherhood. This is a direct reflection that there is inadequate and inaccurate information on adolescent pregnancy and not enough priority is given to maternal and child health care. If pregnancy occurs, teenagers and their families deserve honest and sensitive counseling about options available to them, from abortion to adoption. Special support systems, including consultation with a child and adolescent psychiatrist when needed, should be available to help the teenager throughout the pregnancy, the birth, and the decision about whether to keep the infant or give it up for adoption. The ability to talk openly about problems is one of the most important aspects of theà parent and child relationship. Developing this relationshipà and open communication takes time,à persistence, and understanding. The relationship develops graduallyà by spending time with the child. Meal times, storytelling, reading, playing games, outings, vacations, and celebrations are important opportunities for parents to spend time with their child. Parents should also try to spend some individual time with each child, particularly when talking about difficult or upsetting things. This relationship creates the foundation for talking with the child when struggles and conflictsà emergeà duringà adolescence. Whatever feelings youââ¬â¢re experiencing, this is likely to be a difficult time for your family. The important thing to realize is that your teen needs you now more than ever. Being able to communicate with each other ââ¬â especially when emotions are running high ââ¬â is essential. Teens that are carrying a baby to term have special health concerns, and your child will have a healthier pregnancy ââ¬â emotionally and physically ââ¬â if she knows she doesnââ¬â¢t have to go it alone.
Thursday, January 2, 2020
About the Supplemental Security Income Program - SSI
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) is a federal government benefit program providing cash to meet basic needs for food, clothing, and shelter to persons who are blind or otherwise disabled and have little or no other income. Monthly SSI benefits are paid to persons with limited income and resources who are disabled, blind, or age 65 or older. Blind or disabled children, as well as adults, can qualify to get SSI benefits. How SSI is Different From Retirement Benefits While the SSI program is administered by the Social Security Administration, the way in which SSI benefits are administered is very different from how Social Security retirement benefits are paid. SSI benefits do not require and are not based on the recipients prior work or a family members prior work. In other words, no current or prior employment is required to qualify for SSI benefits. Unlike Social Security benefits, SSI benefits are funded by general funds from the U.S. Treasury generated by income taxes paid be individuals and corporations. Social Security taxes withheld from workers paychecks under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA) do not help fund the SSI program. Total SSI funding, along with maximum monthly amounts to be paid to SSI recipients, are set annually by Congress as part of the federal budget process. SSI recipients in most states can also have their benefits supplemented by Medicaid to help pay for doctor bills, prescriptions and other health care costs. SSI beneficiaries may also be eligible for food stamps in every state except California. In some states, an application for SSI benefits also serves as an application for food stamps. Who is Eligible for SSI Benefits Anyone who is: aged (age 65 or older);blind or disabled. And, who: has limited income; andhas limited resources; andis a U.S. citizen or national, or in one of certain categories of aliens; andis not absent from the country for a full calendar month or for 30 consecutive days or more; andis not confined to an institution (such as a hospital or prison) at the governments expense; andapplies for any other cash benefits or payments for which he or she may be eligible, (for example, pensions, Social Security benefits); andgives SSA permission to contact any financial institution and request any financial records about you; andfiles an application; andmeets certain other requirements. What Doesà ââ¬ËLimited Incomeââ¬â¢ Include? For purposes of determining SSI eligibility, Social Security counts the following as income: money you earn from work;money you receive from other sources, such as Social Security benefits, workers compensation, unemployment benefits, the Department of Veterans Affairs, friends or relatives; andfree food or shelter. Whatà Are ââ¬ËLimited Resourcesââ¬â¢? For purposes of determining SSI eligibility, Social Security counts the following as limited resources: cash;bank accounts, stocks, U.S. savings bonds;land and real estate;vehicles;personal property;life insurance; andanything else you own that could be converted to cash and used for food or shelter. NOTE: For complete details on the SSI program, including qualifications and how to apply for benefits, see theà Understanding Supplemental Security Income home page on the SSA website.à SSI Payment Details Amounts of SSI benefit payments are set annually by Congress and are typically adjusted every January to reflect the current cost of living.à Maximum (SSI) payment amounts increase with the cost-of-living increases (COLA) that apply to Social Security retirement benefits. Some states provide supplemental SSI benefits. SSI benefit payments are not taxable. Possible Benefit Reductions Exact benefit amounts paid to individual SSI recipients may be less than the maximum depending on non-SSI income, like wages and other Social Security benefits. Persons living in their own home, in the home of another person, or in a Medicaid-approved nursing home may also have their SSI payments reduced accordingly. The monthly amount is reduced by subtracting monthly countable income. In the case of an eligible individual with an eligible spouse, the amount payable is further divided equally between the two spouses.à Updated current maximum and average SSI payment amounts can be found on the SSI Statistics web site. SSI Work Incentive Programs Helping people with disabilities achieve independence by taking advantage of employment opportunities is one of the Social Security Administrationââ¬â¢s highest priorities. SSIââ¬â¢s work incentive programs help disabled and blind SSI recipients to continue to work while minimizing the risk of losing their SSI or Medicaid benefits. Certain work incentive programs allow SSI recipients to exempt some of their work income from their list of resources. Others allow SSI recipients to continue to receive Medicaid coverage even though they are not receiving monthly SSI cash benefits. SSI recipients may be eligible to take advantage of more than one work incentive program. As with Social Security retirement benefits, working can reduce the amount of the recipientââ¬â¢s SSI benefit payments. Complete information on SSI work incentive opportunities can be found in the SSAââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Red Book - A Guide to Work Incentives.ââ¬
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